tel: 11 5546.0733 São Paulo SP Brasil
Cumulative Impact Assessment of 10 hydro-power projects in the Juruena River watershed is approved (March 2007)

The Environmental Agency of the State of Mato Grosso (SEMA-MT) has approved the Cumulative Impact Assessment of 10 hydro-power plants in the Upper Juruena watershed. Total capacity of the plants is 263 MW, including 8 under 30 MW, one with 46 MW and a 64 MW project. Six alternatives for development of the river’s hydroelectric potential were comparatively assessed, including schemes contemplated between 4 and 12 plants. Alternatives regarding height of dams and size of reservoirs were also considered, both in terms on environmental and social cumulative impacts. JGP developed the study between august 2006 and february 2007. With approval of the study, 7 power plants have been authorized to start construction. Individual Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) have been required on the remaining 3 and are currently being developed by JGP.

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JGP Consultoria e Participações Ltda. TEL: 11 5546.0733 Design: M.Peri Design      Sistema: Construnet