tel: 11 5546.0733 São Paulo SP Brasil
The Brandina Urban Development Project in Campinas (Sao Paulo – Brazil) obtains environmental permit (January 2008)

The Environmental Agency of the State of Sao Paulo issued, on the 12th of December 2007, the Environmental Permit for the Brandina Urban Development Project in the city of Campinas. JGP participated of Master Plan preparation and was responsible for the Environmental Impact Assesssment (EIA) and general coordination of permitting procedures. The project will sub-divide and occupy the largest unoccupied sector within the city of Campinas’ consolidated urban fabric. With a total area over 3.7 million m2, final stage design population will exceed 70,000 people.

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JGP Consultoria e Participações Ltda. TEL: 11 5546.0733 Design: M.Peri Design      Sistema: Construnet