tel: 11 5546.0733 São Paulo SP Brasil
JGP begins the Environmental Impact Assessment of the 506 km, 500 kV Transmission Line between Tucurui and Jurupari (January 2009)

JGP began the Environmental Impact Assessment of the 500 kV transmission line between Tucuruí and Juruparí, in the Brazilian Amazon Region (State of Pará). This line, with 506 km, is part of the inter-regional system that will connect the city of Manaus and the region to the north of the Amazon River to Brazil’s Interconnected Energy Grid. The spread under JGP’s responsibility will intercept some highly sensitive areas, including the Verde para Sempre Natural Reserve and the vast flood plain of the Amazon River itself. The spread also includes the crossing of the Amazon at Juruparí Island, where the transmission line will have to span over two river segments, 1,800 m and 2,200 m wide. Towers required for this crossing will be over 280 meters high.

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JGP Consultoria e Participações Ltda. TEL: 11 5546.0733 Design: M.Peri Design      Sistema: Construnet