tel: 11 5546.0733 São Paulo SP Brasil

JGP’s experience with agribusiness and forestry is very diversified. Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standards were developed for soybean plantations, sugarcane plantations, cattle farms and eucalyptus plantations. Supply chain social and environmental standards have been developed for vegetable oil plants, slaughterhouses, tanneries, sugar and ethanol mills, charcoal and pig iron manufacturing.

Social and/or environmental auditing of sugar cane, soybean and eucalyptus plantations has been carried throughout Brazil as well as in Argentina and Peru. 

Supply chain environmental stewardship procedures have been designed and implemented for several major agribusiness corporations in order to meet the requirements of Multilaterals and Equator Banks concerned with forest footprints and supplier social impacts.

Supply chain stewardship procedures developed by JGP for the AMAGGI group (soy,
see Landmark Projects) and BERTIN (cattle) are considered references.

Supply chain issues were also critical in the case of NATURA’s EKOS cosmetics line development. In this project, JGP services were retained to develop environmental and social sustainability assessments on several traditional communities exploiting non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in the Amazon region (see Landmark Projects).

The Forest Management Plan developed by JGP for Brazil nut (castanha do Pará) oil extraction at the Iratapuru River Reservation led to the first certification of NWFP by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in Brazil.

Environmental and Social Due Diligence Assessments on behalf of Lenders have been developed for more than 20 sugar and ethanol mills and 30 slaughterhouses, as well as for vegetable oil plants, asparagus plantations, irrigation projects, warehousing facilities and grain terminals / ports. These projects are distributed throughout Brazil (São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso and Pará states), Argentina, Paraguay and Peru.

Environmental and social monitoring on behalf of Lenders is ongoing on several sugarcane plantations and associated sugar and ethanol mills.

See complete project experience list in the Restricted Access Zone.
JGP Consultoria e Participações Ltda. TEL: 11 5546.0733 Design: M.Peri Design      Sistema: Construnet